Monday, September 15, 2008

I can haz iPhone?

Umm.... yeah!

I can haz iphone! On thursday! I've got the iphone now, (got it on saturday) from the local phone shop (well if 15 minutes drive is local). Filling out forms, etc took around 10 minutes, then, my favorite part was when she said, you can activate it at home if you want. I was like YAY. I've not seen many youtube videos of the activation process, so ill do one, and put it up in another post. So I've currently got a black iPhone 3G (8GB)  in the box + plastic wrapping and a Movistar (a spanish phone company, who i was with on a Pre-pay tariff, and luckily, they got the rights to the iphone.) sim card.

It was kinda funny when she started to tell me that to copy files to the iphone, and to activate i'd need a program called "ei-Too-Nez" but after i told her I already had an ipod nano, and that I used iTunes, she gave me the guaranty forms, and we were off!

So, now I haz gotz 3 days till iPhone!  =D

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